Miniature Self-Portrait. (from passport photo)
I realize it doesn't look like me.
Last semester's version was so much worse! I think I may have thrown it away in disgust.
This one almost killed me. I didn't have the right brushes and the one I bought was still too big. I ended up using flat toothpicks. Toothpicks make terrible brushes for oil paintings, by the way.
oil, 2x2 on wood

Life-Size Lips assignment--from a magazine photo
oil, 4x5 canvas board

oil, 4x5 canvas board
This poor little painting--it's darkish greenish brownish because I tried to speed up the drying time by baking it in the oven. Bad idea! It darkened all the colors and made it smell like toasted linseed oil. I won't be doing that again.

last semester's Life-Size Nose assignment. Yes, it's my nose again.
oil, 4x5 canvas board

oil, 4x5 canvas board

oil, 6x8 canvas board