It takes the very crummiest photos, but I'm using it almost non-stop. The ease outweighs the picture quality, until I look at the pictures. An iPhone would fix so much of my life. I'd settle for a better camera tucked inside my current phone [which I'm still fond of], or a small, light camera that always stayed charged in my bag.
I remember this night was freezing cold, so sharp and empty when you tried to breathe that the night seemed nearly airless. It was the best night for walking through the new year. Finally, a vacant hour and the expectation of a thousand like it! It seemed like the bare atmosphere barred regrets, like the accumulated weight of the past years couldn't chase me here through the dark thin nothing. Forward! Hope! That's the part I love about brutal January, esp at nighttime.
That came out florid and purple-y. I was shooting for technical-sounding. Oh who cares happy new year.
* * *
Two best memories from tonight:1. There's a deli just north of St Pat's where I bought a grilled cheese sandwich during a break. The man who made it for me said, "It turned out PERFECT!"
2. My teacher said that what he liked about my drawing is it makes you wonder, "Am I in Heaven? or HELL?"
That's funny. Admit it. I thought it was so funny that I've pinned this drawing up on my bedroom wall for a reminder. I didn't even like this drawing before then.